Module 5: Student Success Technology Implementation

The goal with all technology projects is for them to ultimately achieve and sustain their intended impact at scale. Anyone who has participated in a degree audit data clean-up, been tasked with “boosting morale” around a clunky technology gadget from the 1990s or looked too closely at the inner workings of their institution’s SIS, knows that achieving this milestone requires a great deal of time, effort, and luck. Additionally, many institutions that are lauded as technology project exemplars had to engage in at least one technology re-implementation to achieve the success they now experience. 

This work is hard, but there are things you and your team can do to make it faster, easier, and more impactful. This module will cover the basics of technology implementation success and provide resources for those hoping to rescue a technology initiative gone adrift. 

What You’ll Learn:

  • How can we prepare for an effective student success technology implementation?

  • What type of implementation support do we need, if any?

  • How can we rescue and  plan for putting a technology implementation back on track?


Module 5 Contents and Resources:

Module 5.1: Starter Pack

How Do We Effectively Implement Technology Projects?

Module 5.2

How Can We Augment Our Implementation Support Capacity?

Module 5.3

How Can We Fix Off-Track Projects?